Thursday, September 04, 2014

I AM A JEW (Special Bulletin)

I recently sent out my commentary entitled "I AM A JEW (Part III)." If you haven’t read it please do, as well as "I AM A JEW (Part I)" and "I AM A JEW (Part II)."

I am issuing this Special Bulletin because I am deeply disturbed by the latest expropriation of Palestinian lands.

Here is the announcement that I find deeply disturbing, particularly so son after the carnage in Gaza.

I quote: 

On Sunday, Israel announced the appropriation of land in the Etzion Jewish settlement bloc near Bethlehem, a move which an anti-settlement group said was the biggest such claim in 30 years.

Quite aside from the immorality of the decision it does not even represent the will of the Israeli government. So much for Israeli democracy. 
Haaretz further reported: 
Finance Minister Yair Lapid said at a conference in Tel Aviv that the appropriation of land was a move of underhanded opportunism that wasn't submitted for the cabinet's approval and is damaging to Israel in the international arena. (Ibid

“We are after a military operation, facing a sensitive international front, and it was difficult for us to maintain the world's support as it is," he said. "What was so urgent right now to create another crisis with the Americans and the world?" (Ibid 

As for the reaction of the world:
The European Union on Tuesday urged Israel to reverse its decision to appropriate 4,000 dunams of West Bank land, joining in on the calls of condemnation made by other Western nations and Egypt over the last day.

We condemn the new appropriation of land in the West Bank, relating to plans for further settlement expansion, announced by the Israeli government on Sunday," the EU spokesman said. "At this delicate moment, any action that might undermine stability and the prospect of constructive negotiations following the cease-fire in Gaza should be avoided. (Ibid

The U.S deemed the move "counterproductive" and urged the Israeli government to reverse the decision. The U.K., France and Egypt also condemned the decision. (Ibid

We have long made clear our opposition to continued settlement activity," the U.S. official said. "This announcement, like every other settlement announcement Israel makes, planning step they approve and construction tender they issue is counterproductive to Israel's stated goal of a negotiated two-state solution with the Palestinians."

We urge the government of Israel to reverse this decision," the official said in Washington.  

The appropriated land belongs to five Palestinian villages in the Bethlehem area: Jaba, Surif, Wadi Fukin, Husan and Nahalin. See here.
J Street, The American pro-Israel thorough peace and justice organization, (and I urge all people who seek peace and justice to join that organization which can be found at:, issued a statement on its website.

I set forth the statement in full below:

J Street Condemns New Settlement Announcement, Urges Firmer US Action 

 J Street condemns as provocative, damaging and extremely destructive to Israel and to hopes of peace a decision by the Israeli government to seize almost 1,000 acres of land in the occupied West Bank to build a massive new settlement.

 The decision, both in its timing and intrinsic nature, could hardly be more negative and harmful. This has been described as the largest grab of Palestinian land for the purpose of building settlements in 30 years. It demeans and weakens Israel’s peace partner, the Palestinian Authority; it defies the will of Israel’s most important ally and friend, the United States, and it flies in the face of a broad international consensus.

 Most of all, it casts serious doubt on the Israeli government's sincerity in claiming to favor a two-state peace agreement with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Netanyahu says he is in favor of peace based on a two-state solution, yet almost all of the government's actions and words point to the opposite conclusion.

 This decision is also a test of US seriousness in Mideast peace-making. The United States has protested settlement announcement after settlement announcement for decades – yet its opinion has been disregarded by successive Israeli governments to the point that US credibility has been called into question. How can the world expect US leadership in dealing with hostile actors across the Middle East when even its closest friend in the region flagrantly ignores its policies? It is time for the Administration to make clear to Israel that it means what it says and that US opposition to settlements is not just symbolic but real.

 J Street urges the United States government to undertake a thorough review of its policy toward Israeli settlements and to announce the steps it will take if Israel goes forward with this decision. As a first step, it should declare now that it is the view of the United States that settlements are not merely "unhelpful" or "illegitimate" but illegal under international law as laid out in the Fourth Geneva Convention.

 It may be true that the land being expropriated from five Palestinian villages lies within one of the settlement blocs that are likely to be retained by Israel in any prospective peace deal. But until there is such an agreement, this kind of land grab can only be seen as a blatant unilateral move to create new facts on the ground.

 It is particularly unfortunate coming on the heels of last week's Gaza cease-fire which seemed to offer a new start for diplomacy in tackling the conflict. One would have thought following that war, that Israel would do everything possible to strengthen PA leaders and their pursuit of diplomacy and non-violence. Instead, this move undermines President Abbas and reinforces his opponents, including Hamas, whose abhorrent use of violence shows exactly why now is the time to empower moderate Palestinian leadership. 

We urge the Israeli government to reverse this decision, to announce a settlement freeze and its readiness to return to negotiations for a final settlement based on the 1967 borders with agreed land swaps. 

 Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni have already noted how much harm this decision will cause to the US-Israel relationship. Other responsible members of the ruling coalition should join them in working to reverse this decision and to move urgently to seek a two-state solution.

I will release I Am A Jew (Part IV) next Monday.
As usual your reactions are invited. 

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